Hey Folks!
Welcome to the latest edition of the Monarch Comics Shipping List and Subscription Form. This is the place to find out what we’ll be carrying on the rack next week as well as a pretty comprehensive list of all the wonderful comics that are available for order!

Of course, the big week has finally arrived and House of X #1 is here! Well, actually, it is temporarily NOT here because I sold out of all our copies yesterday! Never fear as we have more copies due in Friday afternoon right on time for the weekend! I was frankly amazed at the reception the title received although with the amount of hand selling and pushing I did I suppose I shouldn’t be. Of course, the $50,000,000 dollar question is WAS IT WORTH THE WAIT!?!
The simple answer is “yes”. House of X #1, like many of Jonathon Hickman’s projects, does a fantastic job of setting up an entirely new paradigm for our merry mutants. It is a slow build, as is typical for a Hickman joint, but he does manage to throw tons of cool and interesting science fiction ideas into the mix as he is essentially building a new mutant society from the ashes of the old. The main plot point in the first issue starts with a new perspective on the mutant island Krakoa and proceeds from there. Hickman takes Grant Morrison’s idea of a mutant homeland in a similar fashion to Matt Fraction’s Utopia, but runs in the opposite direction with it. They got me hook, line, and sinker with this terrific first issue.
My initial July orders are due in this week and I will be working on them all afternoon so if you have any special orders or requests then now is the time to raise your hands and let me know. This is the order form that I will be pulling back on the amount of variant covers that I carry on the rack due to my complete inability to properly gauge demand and order them correctly, particularly with the Marvel and DC stuff. So, if there’s anything in the way of variant covers that you have possibly seen on online then please contact me and if they are available to me then I will happily order them in for you. I’m knocking around the idea of creating a monthly post spotlighting which covers from which companies I have access to, so watch this space for any announcements pertaining to this new feature.

We have also received the POP DC Heroes Red Death PX Vinyl Figures this week. If you preordered one of these attractive little figures then we have them behind the counter waiting for pick up. They will be retailing for the SRP of $11.99. We will hold all preorders for two weeks before putting them back out on the rack unless we here from you, so stop by the store today. As of this writing we only have one more of the figures out on the rack, but they may change as folks who preordered them don’t show up.
Oooookay…short note this week, mostly because it was a small ship week and I do have about a million things to get done before the end of the day. As a quick aside, has anyone besides me noticed that when you have a ton of things on your plate the work day flies by and you run out of time as opposed to when you have nothing to do and the clock essentially stops and stares at you? This is gonna be one of those days for me!
Have a great weekend!