EDitorial 11/14/19

Greetings, Gentle Sentients!


I’ve really got to start upping my game. Here it is, already after 1pm on a Thursday afternoon, and I am just getting around to penning my weekly love letter to my adoring fans. I suppose I should get used to this as the holidays are coming up as well as the end of the year and things do start to get crazy with my schedule. In any case, please accept my condign apologies for making you wait an extra hour or two for the latest Shipping List/Subscription Form! I will do my best to be prompter with it in the coming weeks!


Speaking of holiday craziness, this is as good a time as any to list off Monarch Comic’s holiday hours. It’s kind of a screwed up year for the holiday schedule as both Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Wednesday which, as I’m sure you are aware, is the typical new comic day. We are usually closed on these major holidays, but because of the weird shipping schedule and the apparently huge amount of new books due in the week of the 1st I’ve decided to try something a little different this year. To wit, our holiday schedule:


Thursday, November 28th, Thanksgiving Day: CLOSED


Friday, November 29th, Black Friday: 11AM-7PM


Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve: 11AM-5PM


Wednesday, December 25th, Christmas Day: CLOSED


Tuesday, December 31st, New Year’s Eve: 11AM-5PM


Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day: 12PM-4PM


As you can see, due to the amount of new titles shipping in, I will be opening up on New Year’s Day for a few hours to service you hardy souls that have sufficiently recovered from your reveries the night before and are ready for new comics before heading back to work! Do you now understand the great and abiding love I hold for you?


I should also mention that this year we will ne having a small Black Friday sale. All of our hard covers and trade paperbacks (including marked down items) and back issues (including wall books, but not including items in the showcase) will be 25% off. If we don’t have the hard cover or trade paperback in stock that you are looking for then we will also offer the 25% off for special orders! Hopefully, you will have the time to stop by and visit us during your holiday shopping frenzy in order to pick up that comic collection or key back issue that you’ve had your eye on!


Well, I suppose I should wrap it up for the week and get this posted on Facebook and the website. If you have any questions regarding our holiday hours or the Black Friday sale then please feel free to contact in any of the usual ways and I will do my level best to answer your queries. Have a great weekend, Folks, and I will see you when I see you!

