EDitorial 1/16/20

Hey, Folks!


I’m just sitting here at work putting the finishing touches on this week’s subscription form and watching the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover from the CW! Yes, the excitement is mounting as our intrepid heroes have managed to, well, I just realized I probably shouldn’t say anything on the off chance that someone hasn’t seen the big finale or is waiting for the Netflix release. Ugh…I have things I want to say about it…questions to ask…fiddly fanboy things to bitch about! Oh, well…I guess I’ll have to just spend the next week having the same conversation 143 times with you, my adoring customer base. I suppose I should also warn everyone that Monarch Comics is NOT a spoiler-free zone. Where also can everyone freely discuss what’s new in fandom with like-minded individuals?


I also finally finished that Mandolin show over on Disney+ this week. I hate admitting it, but it was a terrific narrative. It was well written, acted, produced, and filmed…truly a tremendous feat. I have been a Star Wars naysayer for year…nay, decades…and I have to belly up to the bar and dig into some humble pie. This was truly an exceptional television show. I know a lot of you are now waiting with bated breath for the second season, which I am reliably informed will be out in the Fall, but I have to admit that like another recent comic book show triumph <cough>Watchmen<cough> I would perfectly happy if the Mandolorian was just the one season. It was such a satisfying experience from soup to nuts that I’m not sure how much more could be added with more of the story. That being said, I WILL be tuning in for season two…:P


Wonder Woman #750 is coming out next week and according to what I’ve read it is going to be the harbinger of yet another new era for DC comics. Well, in conjunction with Doomsday Clock, I suppose. I am curious to see how it all plays out. I know a lot of you are somewhat exasperated by yet another retcon of the DCU, but I think that it usually makes for an interesting revitalization of the monthly comics. Okay, okay…New 52 was kind of a dud, but it did give us some great Batman stories and inevitably led to Rebirth which was pretty good. I didn’t regularly read DC Comics until the debut of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths so I suppose I have a soft spot for these continuity do overs. Wonder Woman’s switch to “Legacy” numbering is apparently the way forward for DC as Flash is doing the same thing (with the same number) next month. I wonder who gets the interesting task of adding up all of those Legacy numbers anyway?


In any case, Wonder Woman #750 is following the lead of Action Comics #1000 and Detective Comics #1000 with a series of 10 covers, most of which celebrate a particular decade in Wonder Woman’s development. Monarch Comics will be offering complete sets of Wonder Woman #750’s 10 different covers for a special price of $80 while supplies last. You can take advantage of this special price by either ordering a set on the subscription form or by stopping by the store next week. I have no idea how much of these gems DC Comics has over printed for the event, but I do know that I only have enough preorders on the book to accommodate a handful of sets, so order yours today!


I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t mention that our annual post-holiday sale is still in full force. As tired as you must be of hearing me repeat it, all of our hard covers and trade paperbacks are 25% off price marked and includes already marked down sale items as well as any special orders. The back issue boxes are 50% of price marked and our wall display books are 25% off price marked. Additionally, the Dollar Boxes have all been magically transformed into 3 for a dollar boxes. The hard covers/trade paperback sale will continue through the end of January and the everything else will be on sale through the end of February!


I can see we are due for a little snow event starting tomorrow night which actually kind of sucks because Hillman’s birthday is on Friday and I will be out of the store on Saturday celebrating it with him. “Who’s Hillman?” you may be asking? Oh, he’s just this great guy I’ve been kinda sorta seeing for the last ten months who is going to get a good birthday party if it kills me. Or him. Or anyone or anything that gets in the way of making it happen. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet achieved the ability to throttle the life out of a potential winter storm so I guess we’ll just have to deal with it. In any case, as I said, I won’t be in the office this Saturday as Steve has graciously agreed to cover my shift. I will be back on Sunday, however, so if you have nay questions, concerns, or special orders then please feel free to send me a note on Messenger and I will get to it as soon as I get back to work. Wish me luck as I will begin the baking and construction of Hillman’s Black Forest Birthday Cake tonight!


Have a great weekend, Folks, and please be safe once the wintry antics start!

