EDitorial 12/31/20

Hey, Folks!


Welcome to the final EDitorial in my capacity as “Head Cook and Bottle Washer” of Monarch Comics. As of midnight tonight there will be a promotion of sorts to the hallowed title of “Owner”. It’s a journey begun so many years ago that I find it hard to believe that it’s actually coming to pass. Little did I realize on that fateful June month back in 1991 that I would eventually become the Lord and Master of all I survey at the store. Back then I was just looking for another comic book job to make rent and buy beer and had no real concept that I would end up spending the majority of my life teaming up with Steve in order to build this business up to the dizzying heights it now occupies. It feels like I’ve been playing an extremely long board game and the payoff to years of hard work, many mistakes, and the forging of true friendships is finally coming to a head. As one chapter ends, so does another one begin and I can’t tell you how happy that all of you will be continuing the journey with me.


Steve Shufritz and I have known and worked together for decades. What started out as a very traditional “employee/employer” relationship has grown and evolved over the years into a true partnership. Despite all of the trials and travails along the way, the disagreements and the health scares, and all of the victories, great and small, Steve and I never stopped working to make Monarch Comics the best comic shop that we could. I am very happy to know that thanks to Steve’s determination and business acumen he is now going to be able to retire from his life’s work in comfort and that he can do so knowing that the store will continue and thrive for years to come. I’ve spent so long planning and thinking about what comes next that now I feel the gentle tug of nostalgia and a little sadness knowing that this will more or less be the last day of our daily working relationship. I will miss Steve terribly in the months and years to come, but I will always value him as the best Boss I’ve ever known and a true friend.


Now before this little missive becomes any more memorial-like, let me also assure everyone that the service you’ve come to know and expect from Monarch Comics will continue. There will be changes both big and small coming over the next few months (and years!), but the one thing that will never change is my love and appreciation of all of the kind souls that I get to see every week to discuss, to argue, and to cajole over this hobby of ours. I do so hope that you will continue this journey with me until I exit the stage as well and I hope that I will be able to do it with half the grace that Steve has!


Just a reminder that Monarch will be closing today at 5pm and we will be closed tomorrow for the New Years holiday. I will be open regular hours for the rest of the week and Saturday will be the start of our annual Post-Holiday Sale. I also wanted to remind everyone that as of Monday, January 4th, Monarch Comics will be closed on Mondays until further notice. I need a day off to take care of my Dad as well as attend to store business that would be difficult while the store is open. I expect that this may eventually change once I finally get around to hiring someone to help out at the store.


Once again, thanks to everyone who makes working this frakakta job so rewarding, week in and week out. Steve and I want to wish everyone a safe and extremely joyous New Years! Lord knows we can all use a break!

