EDitorial 3/25/21

Hey, Folks!


Well, it took some doing, but it Phase One of the 2021 Monarch Comics Make Over has been completed! Yes, as many of you saw first hand yesterday, I finally got the old place a fresh new coat of paint! Maybe I am prejudiced, but I absolutely love it. I mean, I’ve known for years that I wanted a new color to look at on the walls, but I had no idea how truly refreshing it would be once it was completed. As a side effect, the things I needed to move around or get out off the floor have completely opened up the space here and the store feels more expansive and comfortable than it has in years. Now I can’t stop fantasizing over what it will look like once Phase Two is complete. That will involve putting in new flooring and I only hope that I can arrange an installation quickly and that I will be able to afford to do it immediately.


One the first things you may notice when you walk in the door is that the back issue boxes are currently missing from the display area. I can assure you that I didn’t fill the dumpster with them and instead they have been moved into the back room area. This was originally simply a practical matter. I mean, they take up so much space and I needed to get them out of the way so that the painters could get their work done easier. But a funny thing happened on the way to the back room. To wit, I couldn’t believe the amount of space that was freed up by getting them out of my way! You’ll see what I mean immediately upon entering. Frankly, I love it and since the back issue boxes would have to be moved again once it is time to lay down the new flooring I have simply decided to keep them off the floor for the time being. This is not to say that they won’t be for sale, merely that they will stay in their new home until I finish Phase Two. As a result, if you would like to shop the back issue boxes, please just ask Jake or I for the access and you can step into the back room and peruse to your heart’s content. I’ve decided that we can allow two people into he back room at a time with both people masked. You will have to “Excuse the Mess” a bit as I have completed cleaning the place out, but putting the boxes back there has eaten up a bunch of space that was previously used for storage.


Unfortunately, all of this renovation work has put me a bit behind schedule with some of the regular weekly functions of the store. I am currently working to get the Shipping List and Subscription Form ready to go out on the waves and I also have March Diamond initial orders posted before the end of the day. I will also have this week’s FOC list hopefully completed by tomorrow, so please take a look at it on the Facebook page just to make sure you don’t miss anything you’ll want to purchase later. Once again, I am dancing as fast as I can…lol.


I finally went and got me Covid Vaccination yesterday afternoon over at the Rec Center! I had been putting it off until after the paint job was done as I was worried about possibly succumbing to some of the after effects that I had read about and I didn’t want to be sick while trying to get the joint painted. It turns out that I nothing to worry about at least in regards to the administration of the first shot. Honestly, my arm isn’t even sore…lol. I can also heartily recommend going to the Rec Center for your shot. They are a terrific bunch and the system they have set up is incredibly efficient. Seriously, the longest part is waiting 15 minutes before leaving in case of a bad reaction. I know there are several locations for immunization shots running right now, but you could do a lot worse than securing your appointment at the Rec Center. To sign up for your immunization you can go here: https://lucascountyhealth.com/covidvaccine/


That’s it for me this week, Comic Fans! Next week is going to be a light shipping week due to it being the fifth shipping week, but I hope to see you all anyway. Have a great weekend and don’t let the torrential downpour coming put you off too much. At least it isn’t snow…:P

