Hey, Folks!
Welcome to special pre-vacation edition of my EDitorial!
Yes, it’s true, I’m actually going to try and escape the confines of Toledo (and the store) for a whole weekend. As I mentioned to a few of you yesterday, the very concept of leaving the store and my Dad for three days fills me with anxiety and dread…lol. Understand that my anxiety has nothing to do with my confidence in Jake to run the store for a couple of days or the worry that Dad is going to have a major health event. It’s just I can’t completely expunge that little disclaimer in the back of my head saying, “But something COULD happen. Fires, floods, Godzilla…” My subconscious is always completely riddled with “the small print”. Also, being four hours away does not make for a quick response time to emergencies.
In any case, I will not be in the office this weekend. Since this is the first time I’ve taken off for any length of time since becoming the owner of the store things may be a little wonky until I get the hang of it. I’ve arranged things so that Jake will still be able to answer your basic questions about whether something is available for reorder or if you are looking for something specific, but any deep questions about my ordering practices or whether or not a ratio variant is available or not will have to wait until I return. Additionally, while I will be monitoring the Subscription Form, I won’t be monitoring it as closely as I normally do, so some items may disappear quicker than usual if I’m worried about an over-sell situation. If you have any questions or are interested in something you don’t see on the list then please don’t hesitate to message Monarch on Facebook. It may take me a minute to get back to you, but I will look into your issue and try to fix it on the fly.
I also want to reiterate that Free Comic Book Day is still most definitely on the schedule for August 14th. I was having some doubts about how such an event was going to actually unfold, but I caught the whiff of good news this week when I heard on the news that Governor DeWine is considering undoing Covid restrictions in early June because the infection numbers are going in the right direction. Obviously, this situation could turn on a dime, but I’m going against my usual dour outlook and attempting to be optimistic. Since I have already ordered all of the FCBD books and I have a meeting with my advertising firm this afternoon I suppose a dollop of optimism is a good thing. So, at this point, I’m planning on a full-blown Free Comic Book Day spectacular. Let’s see if I can make it happen…
Okay. Head down and back to work for me! Let’s get this stuff posted and move onto the next job…which today starts with getting another coat of paint on a rack before I leave town. Have a great weekend and I will see y’all next week!