EDitorial 6/1/23

Hey, Folks!


I am a hot mess today. After having a great Wednesday morning shift here at the store I went to my appointment with my chiropractor. In case you hadn’t heard I was involved in an auto accident and I an now going through a treatment program to hopefully fix my back. I had never gone to a chiropractor before and it has been an interesting experience. Well, yesterday I felt great after an hour and a half of treatment, but by the time night fell I was in agony…lol. I didn’t really sleep well last night (again) and I have been feeling a little wobbly all morning. I mean, I forgot to put a hat on when I left the house this morning! Do you know how long it has been since I have been seen “Head Naked” in public!?! It has taken me twice as long to get ready to go live with the Sub Form! UGH…I really would like nothing more than to go home and try to take a nap to try to catch up on some sleep, but I think I will try that gambit tomorrow after my next appointment with the good doctor.


So Brian and I have really started to dig into the Jersey Collection. I had to go pay the monthly storage fee the other day so I poked my head into the storage unit and started digging through some of the boxes. I just grabbed some stuff that caught my eye including a huge 60’s/70’s/80’s “Pre-Crisis” run of Wonder Woman issues that I have been enjoying sorting through bagging and pricing. There were a few other choice bits as well. All of these items will be appearing on the Facebook page over the next few days and there are still another 50 or so long boxes in the storage area. Brian and I are going through them as quickly as possible, but most the boxes have very little to no order in them and it is quite a slog getting through them. The all new Dollar Boxes Brian has constructed will be specially displayed in the front of the store for the next month or two so make sure you make an effort to check them out!


Time for me to get to work! I have another chiropractor appointment tomorrow morning and I don’t know if I will be in any condition to come into the store afterwards so there’s A LOT for me to get through today! Enjoy the steamy weather and know that Monarch will be running the AC full blast to make your shopping experience a little more comfortable this week.

