EDitorial 8/21/23

Hey, Folks!


I’m a little bit behind schedule today. I know, I know…you already knew that because it is after 2 and I still haven’t got the damn sub form posted yet! Hillman and I had an early morning meeting with the caterer for our final party arrangements and, of course, the final payment. We also picked up our new suits yesterday and I do believe that covers everything except for last minute details. This has been an incredible stressful odyssey and I am now looking forward to partying down and eating cake.


I also want to get out there that Monarch Comics will be closed on Monday, September 4th, for the observance of Labor Day. I know we won’t be doing much observance ourselves, but I figure that Brian deserves a paid day off.  Monarch Comics will also be closed Saturday, September 9th, for the observance of Hill and I’s big wedding celebration. Again mostly because Brian will need all afternoon to get ready to make his glamorous appearance at our party and can certainly use another paid day off…:P Regular Monarch service will resume after all of this holiday and party silliness has ended.


Final note for the week is about the Image catalog situation. Apparently Image will no longer be putting their product information in Previews now that Lunar is there regular distributors. Sorry about that, folks, but that is certainly way above my pay grade. It looks like there are website links offered online to give you the whole show and I know how much most of you love that system. That was sarcasm, by the way. Anyway, obviously I will still be carrying some Image titles on the rack and will gleefully preorder any Image titles for those who ask me. I’m hoping Image will create their own catalog before too much longer when they notice the big order drop on their comics.


I hope everyone has a great week and I will talks at ya next week!

