EDitorial 1/20/22

Hey, Folks!


Well, here I am at yet another Thursday afternoon and staring at yet another blank “page” at the start of an EDitorial. I am now resigned to the fact that I am never going to get these things written and posted before noon ever again…lol. I have to admit that I had more time for stuff like this when Steve was in charge. It already feels like a lifetime ago that I would sit behind the counter at my little desk and bang out a subscription form, shipping list, and EDitorial in less time than it takes to tell about it. Even with my current Wednesday schedule it still ends up taking more time to get this stuff constructed than it did back in the old days. Oh, well…nothing to be done about it but forge forward and get it done when I can.


So I finally got caught up with the Book of Boba Fett show over the past weekend and I must admit that I am enjoying it. I mean, it isn’t as good as The Mandalorian and it is nowhere near the quality of Star Wars Rebels, but it is certainly stylish and has some interesting characters. I was commenting here in the store that the Boba Fett we have been introduced to in this series is nothing like the Boba Fett I remembered from when I was a kid. Of course, the Boba Fett then was “mysterious” (i.e. badly underwritten by Lucas) and as fans we really didn’t have much to go on. This Boba Fett also has an interesting amount of compassion as well as common sense…two traits one doesn’t necessarily see in a lot of folks, particularly bounty hunters, who would work for the Empire. Of course, Boba didn’t so much work for the Empire as for Jabba the Hutt, but the same basic idea applies. Of course, the flashbacks showing him cutting his way of the Sarlaac Pit and then getting brutalized and then adopted by the Tusken Raiders would most likely chill out anyone pretty thoroughly. That WAS a lot of damage he took in the first two episodes though and it makes me wonder how “pure” a clone of Jango Fett he actually was. He seemed curiously damage resistant…like, Wolverine level damage resistant…lol.


Well, that’s about it for this week. I wish that I had more to chat about, but things are pretty same old, same old in the realms of comic publishing right now. I can mention that Monarch is once again carrying printed masks although they are now at the much more affordable price point of $14.99. I thought the mask thing might be coming to an end soon which is why I didn’t restock the masks for the holiday season, but apparently masks will be a part of our lives for a bit longer. If you have to wear a mask then it should at least be fun and stylish. I also want to let everyone know that Monarch is now VERY well supplied with basic comic supplies including polypropelene/polyethelene modern and silver age bags, modern and silver age boards, and comic boxes, both large and small. I went all in when I noticed them pop back into stock a week or so ago and now we should be pretty well stocked through the Spring. Also, if you hadn’t heard the good news yet, Free Comic Book Day 2022 is on the schedule and returning to the first Saturday in May (May 7th). Please remember that we are still in the middle of our big Post-Holiday Sale and it will continue through the end of February!


Have a great weekend, Folks, and I hope to catch you in the store soon!

