EDitorial 7/28/22

Hey Folks!


Well, Jack Cochran was in the house and has just walked out. I promised to give him a shout out so here it is!


The EDitorial is a little late this week because I have been spending an extremely productive morning training Brian how to construct and post the shipping list and sub form. It’s been an interesting day of tutorials because this is the first time that I have actually had to explain the process to another person. I mean, I’ve been doing it so long that much of the process is just automatic for me. I don’t even think about it. In fact, I did manage to forget a big part of the process during my tutorial and had to go back and explain it. I letting everyone know about this training session because Brian will be handling the entire process next week. So please…if you have any problems understanding or accessing the shipping list or sub form then give the store a call or send us a Facebook message and Brian will try to help.


Where will I be? Well, as many of you have already heard, Hillman and I are journeying to the great city of Chicago to attend a Lunar Distribution retailer event on Thursday and then to make a quick visit to C2E2 on Friday. I am not a huge fan of going to comic conventions. I did it years ago and frankly I am over the experience. Being a retailer there is rarely anything for me to shop for and the heady allure of meeting celebrities or comic professionals lost its luster a long time ago. Hillman, however, has never been to a comic book convention and is interested in the experience so here we go! My reservations about comic conventions do not apply to gaming conventions and I have discovered that GenCon is next weekend as well. We may just have to swing by Indianapolis on our way home to check that out…lol.


I’ve made a new executive decision this week regarding how I order comics. Lunar Distribution got its start distributing D.C. Comics once they pulled out of Diamond, Lunar has, however, started distributing a handful of small press companies including Scout Comics and Vault Comics. I order very few copies of these small press books as a general rule of thumb, but I have recently done the math and realized tta I could get a better discount as well as lower shipping costs by going through Lunar for these small press titles. The only drawback is that there is a bit longer lag time between receiving these titles from Lunar VS Diamond. It’s a similar issue with IDW who are now being distributed by Penguin Random House as well As Diamond, but with a better discount and NO shipping.


So from this point on I will be ordering these titles from Lunar and PRH instead of Diamond. It shouldn’t affect any of you who order from these companies for initial or FOC orders, but if you order one of these titles from us on the subscription form then chances are it won’t get here until the following week. That isn’t written in stone, of course, but is basically the way it will work. I apologize for the delay, but in some cases it is literally the difference between making money and losing money on a title.


Okily dokily…enough blathering from me this week! I really need to get this stuff posted so that I can do other important work like PRH and Lunar FOC and Diamond July initial orders. I hope that everyone has a great weekend and I will talks at ya next week!

