Hey, Folks!
Well, the big wedding/anniversary party has now come and gone and things can start going back to a somewhat regular schedule behind the scenes. I haven’t really talked much about it, but planning and executing TWO weddings, much less just one, is a physically and emotionally exhausting experience…lol. Now don’t get me wrong…I wouldn’t have traded the experience for the world and the only thing better than marrying Hillman is marrying him a second time on our first anniversary. I’d like to thank everyone who helped move the party along and who attended and made it a great deal of fun. Special kudos to remarkable photographer extraordinaire, Jodi Smalley, and the work she did to chronicle the whole evening. Of course the work of “thank you” cards begins this weekend, but let me also thank everyone for the generosity that was displayed to Hillman and I in regards to our gifts. It was truly moving and I love all of you…
I keep forgetting to update the signs, but we will be extending the Dollar Box sale through the end of September. Considering I still have another 25 boxes or so of Jersey boxes to get through I do believe I will probably extend it through the end of October as well. I know new back issue stock has been a little stalled in the last two weeks because of the wedding party I am now back to full steam ahead on finishing the Jersey stuff. Brian has completed a crucial step with the BG collection and I am hoping to get through all of those books once both Brian and I can work on them together. After that, of course, we will be negotiating with the owner of the comics on a deal and then we can start putting the stuff out for sale. I know some of you have been tantalized by the amount of good keys and interesting books in the collection and hopefully we will be ready to start selling them before the end of the year.
That’s it for me this week! I am almost caught up with everything I fell behind on while preparing for the party and I do believe I can get the work done today. Hill and I are now concentrating on getting some basic home updates done and I am planning on spending more time in the store, so I hope to see you over the next couple of weeks. I hope everyone enjoys this mild weather we are experiencing!