All the comic news and product information you will need!

Hey, Folks!
D.C. Comics announced today that because they have switched over to a multi-distributor model that they will no longer publish a monthly physical solicitation catalog.
Instead of “DC Previews”, they will now have “DC Connect”!
“This downloadable, digital-only catalog features solicitation information for DC’s comic books, original graphic novels, collected editions, and collectibles—and that’s just the start!” reads DC’s description.
“In the coming months DC Connect will update and evolve in order to maximize the advantages of its digital format, the publisher continued. “Future issues will include expanded content, featuring talent interviews, preview pages from upcoming stories, behind-the-scenes looks at projects in development, multimedia content, and more!
“The catalog will also have a new look and layout compared to its predecessor, DC Previews, making it more engaging and easier to get the latest intel on current and future DC comic book projects.”
If you follow this link- it will take you to D.C.’s website where you can download the .pdf file today!
Hey, Folks!
As promised, here’s Marvel’s projected shipping schedule for 6/3/20-7/1/20.
As ever this is VERY subject to change and I still don’t have any info on what Marvel may or may not be shipping on 5/27.
Stay tuned, True Believers!

And here is a revised list of DC’s July publishing schedule.
Again all of this is subject to change.
Tuesday, July 7
New Comic Books:
Batman #94 (finale to “Their Dark Designs”)
Batman and the Outsiders #14
The Batman’s Grave #8
Detective Comics #1023
The Flash #757
The Green Lantern Season Two #5
Hawkman #25
Justice League Odyssey #22
Strange Adventures #3
Superman #23
Wonder Woman #758
Young Justice #16
New Collected Editions:
Crisis on Infinite Earths: Paragons Rising Deluxe Edition HC
(Previously titled Crisis on Infinite Earths: Arrowverse Deluxe Edition HC)
The Flash #750 Deluxe Edition HC
Flash Forward
Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Day the Stars Fell
Justice League of America by Brad Meltzer: The Deluxe Edition HC
Superboy: A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Supergirl: Being Super (New Edition)
Tuesday, July 14
New Comic Books:
Aquaman #61
Catwoman #23
Dark Nights: Death Metal #2
Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity Secret Files #1
Justice League #49
Looney Tunes #255
Metal Men #8
Nightwing #72 (“The Joker War” tie-in issue)
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12 (series finale)
Teen Titans #43
New Collected Editions:
Batman Vol. 13: City of Bane Part 2 HC
DC Super Hero Girls: Weird Science
The Dreaming Vol. 3: One Magical Movement
Green Lantern: 80 Years of the Emerald Knight – The Deluxe Edition
Wonder Woman: Her Greatest Victories
Tuesday, July 21
New Comic Books:
Action Comics #1023
Amethyst #4
Batgirl #47 (“The Joker War” tie-in issue)
Batman #95 (“The Joker War” begins)
Batman Beyond #45
Books of Magic #21
Detective Comics #1024 (“The Joker War” tie-in issue)
The Flash #758
Justice League Dark #24
The Last God #7
Shazam! #13
New Collected Editions:
Batman Beyond Vol. 7: First Flight
The Flash: United They Fall
Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Space Traveling Heroes
House of Mystery: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC
Wonder Woman Through the Years HC
Tuesday, July 28
New Comic Books:
Batman/Superman #10
John Constantine: Hellblazer #8
Legion of Super-Heroes #7
Plunge #5
Red Hood: Outlaw #47
Suicide Squad #7
Wonder Woman #759
New Collected Editions:
Batman: The Deluxe Edition Book 5 HC
Deathstroke R.I.P.
Lucifer Vol. 3: The Wild Hunt
Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me
Wonder Woman: War of the Gods Omnibus HC

Hey Folks!
It is my extreme pleasure to announce that Monarch Comics will be opening for business on Tuesday, May 12th, as directed by Governor DeWine. While I am excited to get back in the driver’s seat as well as seeing all of you again, there will be a couple of requests Steve and I will be making in order to help insure the safety and health of our customers.
- We are requesting that anyone who comes in the store is wearing a face mask. Governor DeWine stopped short at making this a requirement to opening, so we aren’t compelling anyone to adhere to the request, but it does seem prudent and an ounce of prevention is generally worth a pound of cure. Steve and I will be wearing face masks and it does seem rather appropriate to wear a mask in a comic book shop.
- Because of the size of the store, we will only be allowing 6 patrons in at any given time. Once we hit that 6 person limit Steve and I will lock the door until someone is ready to leave. So if you do arrive at the store and the door is locked then please be patient. We will let you in as soon as someone is ready to go. I am really not expecting this to be much of an issue as we rarely hit 6 or more people in the store at any given time, but a limit had to be made and I figured 6 is as good a number as any.
- We ask you to respect social distancing measures as well as you are able to within the confines of the store. I know this may be tricky considering most of you will at least want to peruse the New Release rack. We will have to play this one by ear, but please try not to crowd the New Release rack.
- I want to mention again how much I truly miss being in the store and talking to each and every one of you, but I’m afraid that with the current conditions being what they are we will have to curtail conversations a bit for the time being. I am, of course, dedicated to continuing the service you have grown to expect from Monarch Comics, but we are asking you to limit your visit to 10-15 minutes.
- If anyone is uncomfortable with entering the store during this time we are happy to give you curbside service. Again, this is will be a new thing for us and I’m sure we will have some bugs to work out of the system, but at least at the start you can message us on Facebook Messenger or give the store a call to schedule your pick up. We will assign you a time to swing by the store and then Steve or I will bring your order out to your car.
- We will have a big jug of hand sanitizer available at the counter for those who need it.
- We have the shipment of comics that were originally scheduled to go on sale 3/25 up on the rack, pulled for sub customers, and ready to go when we open on May 12th. Diamond Comic Distributors are currently planning on making the first shipment of new comics for a May 20th If everything goes according to plan, I will have the Shipping List and Subscription Form for 5/20 up and ready to go by May 13th.
- We do have the April Previews in stock and ready to go. Initial orders for April solicited items has been extended to the month of May and the Previews that would typically cover June orders will now be May/June orders. There will be NO May Previews.
- As I mentioned above, we have already pulled subscription orders for the 3/25 book shipment. Steve and I understand that things may be a little difficult for folks right now and that comics may be not be the thing first and foremost on your minds, so if you can’t pick up your previous order right away then please reach out and let us know whether you would like to cancel any previous orders or if you are going to need a little extra time before you can make it in to pick up your holds. We will be happy to work with you on a solution.
- Finally, still no word on rescheduling Free Comic Book Day 2020. I have a feeling that we may not have one this year, which would be sad, but I’d rather skip it for a year and come back strong next Spring rather than have it before we are ready and have people get sick. I will, of course, keep everyone updated as soon as more information comes down the pike from Diamond. I can tell you that the FCBD 2020 titles have been ordered and printed and that discussions are taking place as to what to do with them. If we end up getting the FCBD titles we will be handing them out to our customers as soon as we are able to even if we can’t actually hold the event.
Steve and I will be spending the next week rearranging the store a bit and cleaning everything for our opening on May 12th! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be up and running, but let’s all do our best to make the transition as safe and easy as possible!
Cya soon!
Hey, Folks!
I just wanted to take a moment and update everyone with the current condition of the comic retailing community.
Obviously, we are still closed by order of the governor and we will continue to respect his decision in the face of this terrible scourge.
Diamond Comic Distributors just announced yesterday the cessation on the shipment of new comic books after this week. So basically everything that was scheduled to ship from 4/1 onwards has been placed on hold until we see the end of the tunnel for this national emergency.
I am also disabling this week’s subscription form at this point as I am going to sort through this week’s shipment this afternoon and I won’t be able to process any more orders because, well, I won’t be here…lol.
Again I want to assure you that all of your books currently on hold will stay on hold until this state of affairs works itself out. I will sporadically be monitoring Monarch’s Messenger so if you have any questions then please drop me a line. I will get back to you as soon as I notice your message…probably between episodes of Amazon’s “Hunters” or when I have a break from my various baking adventures.
Please stay home as much as you are able and let’s see if we can get things up and running again as soon as possible, Thanks again for your patronage and I hope to see all of you very soon…
Hey, Folks!
Well, the day we knew would eventually arrive is here…just a couple of days earlier than I expected.
As per the directives of the Ohio State governor’s office, Monarch Comics will be closing as of 7pm on Monday, March 23rd until such a time as the current public health crisis has passed.
Steve will be here tomorrow normal operating hours for any last minute purchases before we shutter the business.
I will be posting my usual episode of Monarch Comics at Night on Tuesday because next week’s shipment is already on its way and I am at heart a big tease.
Please continue to monitor this space in the days and weeks to come for information on when we can reopen the shop.
As always, thanks to everyone who has and continues to make Monarch Comics the success it is. We will be back as soon as possible and Steve and I hope that everyone stays healthy during this time of emergency. Know that we will also have your comics ready for you when the time comes to reopen.

Well, we knew this was coming, but it still stings to actually have to report it.
As of this morning, Diamond Comic Distributors have officially postponed Free Comic Book Day during this time of national emergency.
Hopefully the event will be able to be rescheduled for later in the summer or early fall, but obviously we have no idea what tomorrow will bring much less weeks and months from now.
I haven’t confirmed it yet, but because of the time sensitive nature of some the FCBD titles (D.C. and Marvel’s books are tie-ins/prologues to upcoming story arcs) I do believe we can begin handing them out to regular customers as of May 2nd, but I’m still waiting for official word.
Hopefully this will have a happy ending and we will see all of you in the store by late August/early September.